WHMCS automated server creation

┃ Key                  ┃ Value                              ┃
┃ Operating System     ┃ Linux - Ubuntu 22.04.4 on x86_64   ┃
┃ Product              ┃ AMP 'Callisto' v2.5.0.0 (Mainline) ┃
┃ Virtualization       ┃ None                               ┃
┃ Application          ┃ Application Deployment             ┃
┃ Module               ┃ ADSModule                          ┃
┃ Running in Container ┃ No                                 ┃
┃ Current State        ┃ Indeterminate                      ┃

Problem Description: Permissions Issue with WHMCS

Attempting deployment of template [4] Arma Reforger (GenericModule) to ADSModule.LocalADSInstance...
ADSModule.LocalADSInstance could not process deployment (You do not have permission to add this user to this role as it contains the following permissions that you do not have: *.Core.AppManagement.*, *.Core.Scheduler.*, *.Core.Special.*, *.LocalFileBackup.Backup.*, *.Settings.Meta.*, *.FileManager.FileManager.BrowseFiles, *.FileManager.FileManager.DownloadFiles, *.FileManager.FileManager.UploadFiles)... Trying next available target...

Steps to reproduce:

  • N/a

Actions taken to resolve so far: I have tried giving WHMCS access to all permissions in both templates and normal roles. Someone said to make my WHMCS user a super admin but that doesnt appear to be possible.

Are you yourself logged in as a super user while making these changes?

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